Inspirational Football stars Naguru Community

By Lambert Rusoke

My subscription to Rotary International, got me in touch with the Rotary Family Health Days(RFHDs).Special days set aside by Ugandan Rotarians with their sponsorship partners, to offer free health care to the less fortunate communities.

On such events, all our "corporate" world rankings are shed off, as we get to the frontline to mix shringes and all, under the supervision of medical personnel of course. 
Here, we encounter jiggered village boys donning torn Manchester United “Giggs” jerseys and the like.And  after receiveing the free treatment,want to run to the nearest bare ground to imitate their idol.

Football is their life.Football is their inspiration.They want to play and be like Giggs.They dream of taking on the world. And rightly so. With the football in Russia continuing, many are routing for Brazil,England,Germany,Spain.Not that they know where these nations are,but the communities we serve and live in, identify themselves more with 22 men chasing one round ball.They argue,laugh,drink,bet,over 90 minutes and forget  their problems.

Brian Umony, through the Brian Umony Foundation, makes the case of Naguru stand out for now.The foundation has organised a charity match that shall feature his football friends over the years. Reminiscing a Naguru poverty story,  he grew up in an environment where the youth love to play football at any nearest bare ground.Many play with bare feet,don’t come from good home backgrounds,have no work,and only rely on a gathering at a football patch to win over life.This football has gotten them from the life of drugs and local gins,to kicking  a ball and keeping healthy,dreaming of being a Ryan Giggs at some moment.

Whether the Ugandan environment allows,is an argument for another day.

But one thing for sure,we can use the football platform to get to know of our community problems better,and henceforth get inspired to change a few fortunes.


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