
All in 90 minutes

By Lambert Rusoke From Paris, to Zagreb,viz Moscow and back to Kampala, all focus shall be on the eleven boys from little known Croatia and the favourates France, as the world cup showpiece comes to a climax. For the last one month or so, Russia, FIFA and their partners, have put up a footballing spectacle, that has not only caught us offside off the pitch,(the beautiful cultural exposure by the hosts)  but the suprises on the pitch as well. With Germany, Brazil and the usual suspects not part of the last phases.Shift in power we may say, but football is not static, and teams put in alot  of resources to prepare for a four year showpiece. A world cup final, shall surely put the whole world at a standstill. And events managers, sports merchandise shop owners, betting companies,beer companies, etal are readying themselves to have this business opportunity covered, if well prepared. Be rest assured, that Sunday pubs in Kampala shall fill to the brim. The musicians shall have a fiel

Super Bosses:How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent

By Lambert Rusoke As the football in Russia took a rest, with the remaining four semifinalists looking to finish the job, I delved into the pages of , Sydney Finkelstein,with his Super Bosses;How exceptional leaders master the flow of talent. In here, Finkelstein asserts that, Superbosses, by definition, are better   managers because they unleash unprecedented creativity, engagement, and accomplishment in their teams, generating and regenerating great talent. From his research ,Super bosses   possess extreme confidence, even fearlessness, when it comes to furthering their agendas and ideas. They are all extremely competitive. They are visionaries. They manifest integrity: strict adherence to a core vision or sense of self. And, finally, they are authentic. Finkelstein divides Superbosses into three groups. a)The “Iconoclasts” are so wholly fixated on their vision that they are able to teach in an intuitive, organic way, as a natural outgrowth of their passion and in

Taxable Football-A need for VAR to check the tax man

By Lambert Rusoke As June dawned on us,the world cup had turned to the knockout phase.This is that part of the tournament where boys are separated from men.Looƙ at this.The world champions Germany had been dumped out at the first hurdle by South Korea.The analysis and discussion was bounɗ to go on.Then it clocked July 1. New financial year in Uganda,new budgetory projections,and of course new actions on how to increase the tax base. Enter social media and mobile money tax.Suddenly the streaming of live world cup matches and highlights stalled.The discussion whatsapp forums were no more.Igorance had crept in.Then bit by bit,compliance to pay the tax and access the football streams was quick.But on second thought,this now seemed like day light robbery.Unfair,unjust,inconcievable.The protests to have a second view via the Video Assistant Referee (VAR )is on. The big picture here,is that,with many unwarranted taxes at play,the sportsfinance chain is squeezed out . Here is a sector

Inspirational Football stars Naguru Community

By Lambert Rusoke My subscription to Rotary International, got me in touch with the Rotary Family Health Days(RFHDs).Special days set aside by Ugandan Rotarians with their sponsorship partners, to offer free health care to the less fortunate communities. On such events, all our "corporate" world rankings are shed off, as we get to the frontline to mix shringes and all, under the supervision of medical personnel of course.  Here, we encounter jiggered village boys donning torn Manchester United “Giggs” jerseys and the like.And  after receiveing the free treatment,want to run to the nearest bare ground to imitate their idol. Football is their life.Football is their inspiration.They want to play and be like Giggs.They dream of taking on the world. And rightly so. With the football in Russia continuing, many are routing for Brazil,England,Germany,Spain.Not that they know where these nations are,but the communities we serve and live in, identify themselves mo

Forget Brazil,Uganda Shall Win The World Cup

l Dennis Onyango didn’t fly to Russia.This much I know.And yet ,on a cursory examination and in my view,the Ugandan and Mamelodi Sundowns skipper is a safer pair of hands than a handful of those between the sticks in Moscow. Whereas this assumption may not drag the Cranes to any of the groups in Russia,I won’t hesitate  to predict that Uganda shall win this World Cup.Don’t be carried away with my rather ridiculous prediction.Am very sane.My interest is only   geared to how Ugandans can reap off from the football value chain that this prestigious tournament comes with. Lets begin with focusing on the fact that football has crowded out all other activities,from down town Kampala to rural Moroto and over to Moscow. There’s a common belief that sports stores,bars,video halls and hotels will be crowded and a bit expensive during the World Cup. Many football fans are running to the sports stores to buy their favorite team jersey.Fully branded and personalized to suit preferences

Its Bigger, Better, Bolder

It's Bigger, Better, Bolder British singer Robbie Williams put up an ecstatic performance, that did require the intervention of a Video Assistant Referee (VAR) for his unwelcome finger pointing gesture, but the big picture was that  Russia had officially opened to the football world. His pompous style bonded well in confirming the dynamism that the beautiful game upholds. Inside the , Luzhniki Stadium Moscow , the world came to a standstill because of a football, and rightly so. In this ever evolving techy savy and youthful world, an encounter with  a football leaning populace is only a click away. The streaming of the event alone, comes with convenience and comfort, whereby,its nolonger a case of skipping work schedules or classes to catch a football game. One can follow the live streams from the various social media platforms, that are authorized to distribute the world cup content. The 2018 World Cup has cost Russia billions of dollars to stage and will make FIFA hun